MHT Plumbing

Tree Root Removal


Professional Tree Root Removal Service

If tree roots have compromised your sewer line, trust the experts at MHT Plumbing! With our specialized approach, we offer safe and effective root removal, precise repairs, and preventative solutions to prevent future intrusions. Call MHT Plumbing for reliable service and long-term solutions!
  • Is Jammed
  • Gets Stuck
  • Doesn’t Drain
  • Makes Strange Sounds
  • Is Humming
  • There Is No Noise
  • Doesn’t Turn On

Common Issues with Tree Root Intrusion

Tree roots can lead to the collapse of sewer lines, but the problem isn’t always the roots themselves. Sometimes, the soil collapses around the sewer lines due to pressure from the expanding roots. If a tree is directly in line with a sewer pipe and goes uninspected, it can cause severed joints and collapsed sections of piping. This damage may spread beyond a single area. Even trees that are not close to sewer pipes can cause problems, as their roots grow in search of water and nutrients, spreading far and wide.

How We Remove Tree Roots

At MHT Plumbing, we offer various preventative solutions to address your tree root issues. To pinpoint any blockages, we use advanced video camera inspections that allow us to thoroughly examine your pipes, including accessing landscape drains if necessary. Our methods for tackling the blockage include:

Rooter machines

These mechanical cleaning devices feature sharp, fast-rotating blades designed to cut through tree roots. Rooter machines are particularly effective for handling larger, thick-growing roots that have infiltrated your sewer line.

Drain snakes

A drain snake, or auger, is a flexible metal tool that can be fed through a pipe to push through and break up clogs. The rotating cable is capable of dislodging tree roots by breaking them apart, ensuring they no longer obstruct your pipe.

Why Choose MHT?

Mon-Fri: 7:00 am-9:00 pm

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